The Chaplain’s Corner by:
Samuel M. Paschal III and Shaun M. Paschal.
Our Chaplain's Corner will provide nourishment for the soul, inspiration, offering guidance and wisdom that can encourage and uplift individuals, couples, and families:
For Individuals:
Personal Reflection: The Chaplain's Corner can provide thought-provoking insights, encouraging individuals to reflect on their values, purpose, and personal growth.
Spiritual Nourishment: Inspirational messages can offer spiritual guidance, providing comfort and strength during challenging times.
Mindfulness and Perspective: Encouraging mindfulness and a broader perspective, helping individuals navigate life's complexities with grace and understanding.
For Couples:
Relationship Insights: Inspirational content might offer insights on love, commitment, and communication, prompting couples to reflect on their relationship dynamics.
Shared Values Reinforcement: Messages can reinforce shared values, reminding couples of the foundations that brought them together and sustaining their bond.
Navigating Challenges: Offering wisdom on overcoming obstacles, inspiring couples to face challenges as a team, fostering resilience and unity.
For Families:
Unity and Harmony: The Chaplain's Corner can promote unity within families, emphasizing the importance of mutual respect, understanding, and support.
Creating Meaningful Traditions: Inspirational messages might encourage the establishment of family rituals and traditions, fostering closeness and connection.
Resilience and Growth: Providing guidance on navigating family struggles, fostering resilience, and promoting growth within the family unit.
The Chaplain's Corner, through its inspirational content, can uplift, encourage self-reflection, reinforce values, and offer guidance, fostering a sense of unity, resilience, and growth among individuals, couples, and families.
Our Journey Is Beyond What We Can See
Our Journey Is Beyond What We Can See
Our journey in this life is often times happy, sometimes exciting, sometimes mysterious, sometimes confusing, sometimes sad, sometimes very difficult. There are times that we may want to hurry to the end and then there are times that we want to slow down and enjoy this journey called life. Sometimes, we enjoy the experience, sometimes we try to hide from it. We often try to make sense out of it, and as we press on there are times that we can see what’s right in front of us and sometimes it’s all a blur. Sometimes, while on this journey, the road is smooth and other times there are obstacles on the road and still other times there is a STOP sign, a fork in the road or we may even come to a four way stop. We ask ourselves, should I stop, or which road should I take. If we’re being honest, sometimes we run the STOP sign, sometimes we feel the strong urge to keep moving forward, but we turn the corner anyway and life begins to look different and even more confusing. As we continue on, we believe that we don’t need to ask for help, so we keep moving, sometimes going straight, sometimes turning corners, but rarely asking for direction, because of course, we can find our own way. Until we end up facing a DARK, DEAD END street.
On this journey, we’ve experience love so deep that it feels unreal, friendships that last a life time, relationships that were for a time and a season, situations that hurt so deep we thought we’d never recover, decisions that we NEVER should have made.
What I learned is that, ALL roads brought me to my knees seeking my Heavenly Fathers Face. I learned that we are NEVER alone, because even when the road ahead seems blurry, and we’re faced with decisions to STOP, GO FORWARD, OR EVEN TURN, we are NEVER alone. Because through the Good, Bad, Sad and Difficult time on our journey, God promises to NEVER LEAVE NOR FOR SAKE us (Hebrews 13:5). I learned that because God loves us so much, He sent us some help because He knew there would be times that we would not make good decisions. John 14:16 says “And I will pray the Father, He shall give you another Comforter, that He may abide with you forever.”
Even though it may feel lonely and hard, Psalm 23 promises that “The Lord is My Shepherd; I shall not want. He makes, me to lie down in green pastures; He LEADS me besides the still waters. He RESTORES my soul; He LEADS me IN THE PATHS OF RIGHTEOUSNESS for His Name’s sake. Yea, though I WALK THROUGH THE VALLEY OF THE SHADOW OF DEATH, I DON’T NEED TO FEAR ANY EVIL; For God IS WITH ME; His Rod and His Staff, they comfort me. He prepares a table before me in the presences of my enemies; He anoints my head with oil; my cup runs over. Surely GOODNESS and MERCY shall follow me ALL the days of my life; and I WILL DWELL IN THE HOUSE OF THE LORD FOREVER.
So, while on this journey called life, I’ve come to realize that we really can’t make sense of things in front of us without the COMFORTER. We absolutely cannot see what’s down the road or around the corner. We don’t know what the next moment or tomorrow will bring, But God does. I realized that there are things on this journey Far Beyond what we can see. I realized that on this journey called life, it can be happy, painful and very difficult when going through things; however, these are opportunities for God to prepare our hearts for His Glory and service if we let Him. It’s painful and sometimes easy to throw in the towel, but God always has a plan to DELIVER us from the hand of the enemy of our souls. God can ALWAYS USE our circumstances to draw us closer to Him, get us on the right track, BLESS us in the process so that we can be a BLESSING to others. Yes, sometimes our situations are about us. Sometimes our situations are for our growth so we can, through Christ, be that light for someone else. But ALL THE TIME, IT’S FOR AND ABOUT OUR GOD’S GLORY!
Chaplain Rachel Paschal
I QUIT letting OPP (other people’s problems) be my problems. I QUIT!!
I QUIT letting OPP (other people’s problems) be my problems. I QUIT!!
There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death. Proverbs 14:12
So here we are. The year has come to the halfway mark. We have talked about starting over. We have discussed Peace and forgiveness. We have taken a look at unity. Now we have to look at some details. We can’t succeed without identifying personal obstacles that will hinder the life we are seeking. In order to get higher up the mountain, you have to release whatever will not truly help you move efficiently.
One of those obstacles that we face is allowing other people’s problems to become our problems. We already have to contend with personal challenges, but many times those challenges are joined by allowing other’s to burden us with theirs. It’s time to put an end to that.
Have you ever been in a situation where you seem to be stressing out over something that has nothing to do with you? Have you seen what happens when you take the feelings of friends or even family concerning something, and now you can’t sleep, lost your peace, and are acting out of character?
It almost becomes like a series you are trying binge watch. Your attention is glued to it. Can’t talk about nothing else. Can’t see no positives. And what is worse, the people we let influence us like this, may either be stressing out like us, or getting plenty of sleep after they have dumped it all on you.
Within the last decade, the idea of “protecting my peace” and other phrases like it have come to the forefront of mental health and self-care conversations. The reason why this is so crucial goes back to the human need for rest. Rest doesn’t mean just sleeping or going on vacation. Rest is also a state of being. One in which we cast aside the stressors and their emotional/mental allies-fear, anxiety, among others- which also can cause an avalanche of physical symptoms as well.
This of course takes us back to the complete rest that God offered us at Creation and offers now through Christ.
It’s the rest that Gen. 2 points us back to when we are called to do as God did, and rest within the context of God’s creative, sustaining, and intervening power in our lives. When God rested, He didn’t focus on the darkness, chaos, and void that He brought Light, Order and Life too. He focused on the fact that everything was finished and complete. He enjoyed being among His creation. He turned His mind toward spending time with us. He didn’t worry if the darkness would step outside of its boundaries and take over. He knew it wouldn’t. After all, He is in control. So like Him, let us focus on the facts: God is Creator, in control of all the elements, does all things well, He is with you, and will continue to take care of everything outside of our control. I’m reminded of the song, Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus. The part that speaks to me most is the peace we gain when we look into His face and the things of the world grow strangely dim.
It’s the rest that Jesus referred to in Matthew 11 and Peter talks about in 1 Peter 5. Jesus is inviting people to come to Him and learn a lifestyle that will lead them to rest. Those who are overwhelmed can come to Him, trade their yoke for His, which is easy and light, and find rest unto their souls. Peter says to cast all our cares on Him because He cares for us. In other words, instead of losing sleep over what we cannot control, give them over to Jesus. Focus on what He tells us to do, and the mission that He called us to live. Coming to Him with our burdens and giving them to Him are the keys here.
It’s the rest that David sings about in Psalm 23. Focusing on The Great Shepherd will keep you steady/anchored in the midst of even the valley of the shadow of death. Proverbs 26 warns us away from meddling in other people’s affairs. The one who does is like the random foolish person that messes with a dog they have no relationship with. They regret the experience.
Jesus invites us to accept His Rest and rest in Him. He tells us to keep our minds stayed on Him so that He can keep us in perfect peace. Paul reminds us in Philippians 4 what to focus on:
“Summing it all up, friends, I’d say you’ll do best by filling your minds and meditating on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious—the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse. Put into practice what you learned from me, what you heard and saw and realized. Do that, and God, who makes everything work together, will work you into his most excellent harmonies.”
So let things be. Let people be. Give all things over to Jesus. He will help you to walk on water, before you begin to run on it, in order to take off and fly on wings of eagles above the waves.
So, say it with me fam!!! I QUIT LETTING OPP be my problems!! I’m FREE!!!
Is Forgiving Really Necessary? Part 2
What does God say?
God wants us to have the response that leads to freedom and peace. His Way, is not to run or retreat from the issue at hand, but to face it with Him, open up about it with Him, and let Him give you the power to release it to Him.
This is no easy feat. It takes time. Some trauma and some wounds are deeper than others. It’s an intentional daily choice to make to forgive and let go of the “leaves” that represent hurt, pain, shame, anger, etc.
But The Promise wasn’t that it would be easy. But rather that we would not be alone. In fact He would lift us up, be with us, strengthen us, and help us so we need not be afraid (Isaiah 41).
So how do we begin this process of releasing the “leaves?” He says in Ephesians 4,
"Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you."
Matthew 18 and Luke 17:
He wants us to forgive thoroughly and intentionally and constantly and completely with no limitations. Like He forgives us everyday when we ask Him to with a sincere heart, He will empower us to forgive everyday with a sincere heart whether people ask or not.
Proverbs 10 and 17:
He wants us to consider the relationship and what it means to us. Don’t let hatred and keeping a record of wrongs destroy what truly matters to you. God doesn’t do this for you.
Isaiah 43:
As a matter of fact, if we are to be like God in our relationships, then here is some food for thought. God tells us here that He blots out our transgressions for HIS OWN SAKE and doesn’t bring them back up. So if we want to love like God loves, then we must let go, for OUR OWN SAKE, the sins of those whom we love. Now this doesn’t mean that you stay in abusive or dangerous situations. But rather it means that you find a way or ways to reconcile appropriately and safely. Fight for Love, whether it’s a friendship, family, and especially marriage, FIGHT FOR IT! Chaplain Sam gave us great tools in the last article that will help us reach the goal reconciliation.
Psalm 103 and 1 Corinthians 13:
He does not deal with us according to our sins, nor repay us according to our iniquities. For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his steadfast love toward those who fear him; as far as the east is from the west, so far does he remove our transgressions from us. As a father shows compassion to his children, so the Lord shows compassion to those who fear him. For he knows our frame; he remembers that we are dust.
And He shows us the details of love. Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.
In order for unity and love to be a reality in our hearts and homes and relationships, let us release the leaves as the trees do. If we truly want to begin again and let God restore us and bring us to our happy place of Peace, that can surpass all understanding, then for our own sakes, and God’s sake, let us live the reality that for the sake of freedom, forgiveness really does matter.
Is Forgiving Really Necessary? Part 1
Part 1: Is Forgiving REALLY necessary?
It starts as a mysterious fading of green. Changes often missed by us, but detected by foliage everywhere, trigger a response that sends shockwaves around the world. As the green begins to fade, other colors begin to take its place. Shades and hues and hints and patterns and even mixtures not seen before begin to dazzle the senses and take our breath away. We humans stand in awe, painting portraits, taking pictures, staring with googly eyes, and even trying to paint or decorate the interior of our homes to match what we see outside. Fall is the favorite time of year for many people all over the world. Who would’ve thought, in a plot twist, that we could love death so much?
That’s a jolting thought isn’t it? But isn’t that what it is? Many plants detect that light energy from the sun is beginning to fade earlier than later. Which means less energy for them to produce photosynthesis. Winter is coming. And they have 3 months to prepare. They start to retreat into themselves in a sense, gathering resources and storing them for the cold times.
This is why leaves begin to change color. Less sun means less green. A belt of color wraps around the planet. But soon this color that attracts the attention of so many, turns brown. No other creature in creation sees this as a good thing. They know that the color and change in light is a sign to prepare for 3-4 months or longer in some places of challenges.
In Nature, this isn’t evil. It’s necessary as a driver for the cycles of life. In order for these plants to survive, they have to let go of their leaves, and when the light returns, they can produce new leaves and fruit for those that bear fruit. But in order for this to happen, leaves must die.
Ah!! Do you have to be so morbid Chap?! You just ruined my favorite season? Hmmm. Have you ever stopped to realize that many times, in our affection for Fall, we reflect its reality in our own relationships? Let me explain.
There are 2 lessons that Fall teaches us about life, and more specifically, relationships.
1. The Fading Color: Reaction
Just as plants, like many trees, begin to detect the fading light and reflect this reality in their leaves, so we too can detect a “fading” in our relationships. This “fading” can come in many different forms or names. But it begins to trigger a response/reaction in us.
The “Fading” can be poor communication, lack of intimacy, trauma responses, consistent and distant attitude, failure to meet needs, ignoring love languages, and the extremes, not excluding pornography or other forms of adultery. We detect this “fading” and often don’t know what to do with it. So we hold it in. Retreat into ourselves. Pulling back from love and affection. Withholding the moments that matter. Storing up within us emotions such as anger and resentment and sadness.
And let’s say, the seasons pass and spring once again comes our way. Light pours into the space. The source of our “fading” is trying to make amends. The leaves can be produced again. But now, all we can produce is toxic leaves and bitter fruit. We have stored up so much negative energy that hasn’t been released, that we can only produce what is from the heart. And what is in the heart, is unforgiveness.
Unforgiveness is very much much like a cancer. It steals the good from its victim like a parasite and drains them of the vital energy needed to stay alive. It chokes out the relationship’s hope of ever having a life-giving “Spring” and can even lead to the death of an individual, whether metaphorically or literally.
Every aspect of our being can become poisoned because of it. If we allow it to completely take over, we will miss out on so much in life. Some of us have been so used to the fading colors of unforgiveness that it has become normal. The home is decorated with the colorful reactions that stem from an unforgiving heart. And when the cold times of our lives finally come, there is no stored up positive energy to be called upon to maintain a healthy relationship.
2. Letting Go: Response
Thankfully, Fall is more so about Hope and change than anything else. The truth is that everything goes through cycles. From water to the cells in our bodies, the patterns that come and go drive the necessary changes that must take place for balance and growth.
So now let’s look at this with the eyes of hope. Certain trees, specifically, detect fading rays of sunlight and BEGIN THE CYCLE OF RELEASING things that will drain it of its energy in the cold times. If they don’t, then they will not survive. In order for this to happen, it has to stop supplying the leaves, slowly starving them until they fall off. When the sunlight increases in Spring, they come back to life and once again become a blessing to many.
We can learn this same process when it comes to our relationships. Choosing to stop feeding the negativity which allows us to stay in the grips of unforgiveness. Stop feeding animosity and thoughts of revenge. Stop dwelling on the past as if it’s still there, if the other person is making obvious attempts to reconcile. Stop holding guilt over the heads of those who have moved forward. Stop holding onto guilt period. Stop sacrificing love and affection as an act revenge. Release these things. Can you imagine all of the pain, the memories, the hurt, the past, the rage, etc… falling like leaves in Autumn?!?!
None of these things satisfy. And if we stay in it, we will become used to it. If we get used to it, it will feel like we are in control of it. If we feel in control, we will become addicted to the feeling. And just like those beautiful leaves in the Fall, we too will eventually fade away. Why is this? Because when we get to this point, it’s hard to let go and be free, in fact, we won’t even want to. It becomes a part of us and we cling to it like a suit of armor. We will become as dead-looking as trees in Winter, with nothing on the inside to preserve us. But when we let these things go, we will have life in the cold times and survive the lows of every relationship.
One of my favorite sitcoms is Seinfeld. In one episode, the character George Costanza, was certain he was having a heart attack and was rushed to the hospital. After learning that his tests came back negative, he exclaimed, “There’s nothing wrong with me!” The doctor told him not to take it that far, sending George into a panic. George cried out, “Is it lupus?!”
It took me years to finally decide to look up what lupus actually was. From George’s cries, I knew it had to have been serious though the comedy wouldn’t let me take it seriously. I had no idea that it was an autoimmune disease where the immune system attacks its own tissues. This was alarming to learn that the protective force of the body mounts an insurrection. What’s more disheartening is that while the causes are thought to be linked to environmental, genetic, or hormonal factors, they still remain unknown. Because of this, autoimmune diseases have no known cure, but are being treated in hopes of controlling the conditions.
It was baffling to me that a body that once experienced unity in its diversity and complexity could simply turn on itself, and there was no way to stop it. Then I came across a 2023 article from Penn Medicine by written by Wynne Perry. Here, Perry reports on a revolution for immunotherapy where scientists hope to target and turn down the malfunctioning part of the immune system in an effort to find a cure.
Is it possible that many experience a breakdown like this in just about every type of relationship? Something like an autoimmune disease destroys marriages, disintegrates friendships, dissolves sibling relationships, disrupts parent-child relationships, detonates dating relationships. Do the safeguards of a relationship somehow turn and eat away at the bond? Does trust become mistrust? Communication… miscommunication? Respect… disrespect? Can love become hate? No. There are some who feel that the failure of many relationships may be linked to environmental, genetic, or hormonal factors. But there has to be more.
When the unity of a relationship fails, is there a treatment plan that can bring back the oneness, reestablishing unity. Is there a revolution in relationship therapy that can target and turn down the malfunctioning parts in an effort to bring healing. Here’s a simple plan that I’d like to suggest to help get this going in the right direction.
Decide what you want to do… together
On my last post, I sought to encourage you, the reader, by letting you know that you can begin again. The question now is, “Do you want to?” One can pray and ask God what they should do, and I believe that He will answer. Still, you must choose. And you must choose together. God, through the prophet, Amos, says, “Can two people walk together without agreeing on the direction?“ (Amos 3:3 NLT). You must choose to fight alongside each other for each other. You must decide if you’re willing to let God expose the root cause of what’s ripping you apart. And you must want to put in the work, so that God can restore. What work?
Rebuild the altar
1 Kings 18, we read of the story of the showdown on Mt. Carmel where God’s prophet, Elijah, faced off against hundreds of false prophets. The contest was to determine two things: 1) Who is really God? and 2) Whom should the people serve? You see, the spiritual autoimmune disease called sin, ravaged the land, and tore at the very fabric of God’s relationship with His people. God chose, and now the people would have to choose.
The challenge was simple. They would perform an act of worship by making a sacrifice: Elijah to the God of Heaven; false prophets to their god, Baal. Whoever accepted a sacrifice by fire would declare themselves as real. The false prophets called on their god first, and nothing happened… all day. When Elijah’s turn came, the first thing he did was rebuild the altar of God. He had to rebuild before there could be revival… rebuild to make room for healing to take place. Elijah’s God… the God of heaven… our God answered, declaring Himself real and many of the people chose Him.
If we want unity in our relationships, then I suggest we rebuild (or build for the first time) the altar of God. Make room for Him to declare Himself real in your life. In other words, commit to worshipping God together. Sacrifice some time doing other things, hanging out with other people, or sleeping in a little extra, and let God target and turn around the malfunctioning parts of your relationship.
Seek Counseling
Recorded in Exodus 18, after the Moses-led (but really God-led), Israelites escaped from Egypt and made it to the wilderness, Moses’ father-in-law came for a visit. Now, this may raise up trepidation as there are many people who have stressed or strained relationships with their in-laws. But what happens next is a lesson in the importance of receiving wise counsel.
Jethro, Moses’ father-in-law, witnesses Moses at work. There Moses is counseling, hearing cases, rendering judgments… all day. Jethro pulls his son-in-law to the side and says, ”This is not good! You’re going to wear yourself out—and the people, too. This job is too heavy a burden for you to handle all by yourself.“ (Exodus 18:17-18 NLT). Then Jethro proceeds to give Moses life-changing advice.
Seeking counseling is important. Receiving wise counsel is critical. It shouldn’t be dismissed for fear of judgment, the sake of one’s pride, or to just pray about it. Not many individuals in scripture was more connected to God than Moses, and he still adopted the advice of his father-in-law. No one in scripture is deemed wiser than Solomon, and he still said, ”Plans go wrong for lack of advice; many advisers bring success.“ (Proverbs 15:22 NLT)
Unity in every relationship is crucial, and its disruption can be devastating. Remember, God restores, you can begin again, and reclaim the unity once experienced if both parties agree to fight for it, rebuild (or build for the first time) the altar of God, and seek counseling.
Peace, Finding My Happy Place
There I was. Just getting in from class. I set my things down. I stood up. The whole world seemed to disappear as I focused on my unseen “List.” No one else was in the room. I started thinking about what I needed to do for the rest of the day. I had intended to simply go over each project, paper, assignment one by one, prioritizing each item according to their due date. No problem right? I had done this many times before. In fact, I had already written some things down, I just needed to take time to think. Here it goes! Number 1…. All of a sudden, it hits me, like a flood! Instead of just thinking of one thing at a time, everything came to me all at once. I felt my breath and my heart racing. Sweat began to form on my head. I was having an anxiety attack. As I felt my world turning upside down, I immediately turned my attention to Jesus. I began to pray and worship God out loud. It was all I knew to do in that moment. Everything began to calm down. My heart stopped racing, my breathing became longer, and the sweat went away. I dropped to my knees and acknowledged the Presence of God right there. Then I took a break before I got back to the work I needed to do.
How many of us have felt this before? We have goals/plans to accomplish much and in the perfect world we reach the top of our Mt. Everest, post our flag, and then go and enjoy a much needed recovery nap, or watch TV, or get on Social Media, or something that allows us to deflate. But all too often, we run here and there, and the world pays no attention to our perfect agenda. Sometimes it seems like nothing works the way that its supposed to. Sometimes the fear of this reality is paralyzing in itself. There is so much to do and so little time it seems. Our list can grow by multiplication with the help of addition. The Goals can range from Personal to Spiritual, Physical to Mental/Emotional Health, and even from Relational to Financial with so much more in between. We often start off strong with the best intentions and then reality stomps on our dreams.
Anxiety also comes when we are overwhelmed with responsibility. Whether to our family, friends, workplace, or even household chores, responsibility comes in many forms. Fulfilling responsibility, as the pressure is turned up, becomes a daunting task. Its like playing one-on-one basketball with Lebron James himself. Your responsibility is to make a shot. Its not impossible, but he will not make it easy. Many of us have anxiety from the fear of not rising to the challenge. We fill ourselves with negative thoughts and lies that keep us stuck in a place where we don’t want to be. It can hit us at our lowest points and in different ways.
It was dark and stormy. The waves were reaching over and into the boat. The lightning was flashing and the thunder sent shockwaves through the water and hearts of the men inside. Experienced fisherman, they, well at least 4 of them, had been through this before. As a group this was the second time with one crucial difference, Jesus wasn’t in the boat! Here they were, by themselves, being tossed around by the wind and waves, and Jesus was no where to be found. He had given them a plan. He had told them where to go. But know anxiety found them weary and not knowing what to do. For hours they fought, until around 3am, somebody saw something heading in their general direction. As they peered into the lightning-infested darkness, their anxiety only grew as they saw what they thought was a ghost.But just as the thunder ended its roar, a voice, a familiar voice rang through the noise of wind and waves and pierced their ears with a reassurance that grabbed their attention. It was none other than Jesus, walking on the water. “Don’t be afraid! Its Me!!” Jesus said. It would be nice if the storm stopped at that point, but it didn’t. Instead, the storm itself became the context for one of the most powerful examples of overcoming anxiety in the Bible. Peter, in the midst of the storm, takes a bold leap of faith, and steps out of the boat, onto the water, and begins walking to Jesus. It would be nice if the storm stopped here, but it doesn’t. Peter eventually sinks, and in doing so, reminds us of 3 of the most important words that form a sentence in the Bible, “Lord, SAVE ME!!!” And immediately, Jesus reached down and grabbed him, pulled him up, and brought him back to the boat. Then, the storm stopped.
This year, we are choosing to begin again. We are choosing to seek first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness. Family, this is our Peace, our Happy Place. Peace doesn’t always mean feeling good. In fact, I’m pretty sure Peter did not feel peaceful or happy when he took his eyes off Jesus and sank in the midst of a raging storm. Peace is most often an acknowledgment or even a cry to God for help in the midst of our fear/anxiety. It culminates in the miracle of taking one step at a time keeping our eyes on Jesus in the midst of great turbulence. It allows us to sleep in the midst of the storms that threaten to capsize our boats and destroy our hopes and dreams, knowing that they won’t. It reminds us that yes, the pressure will turn up, the workouts will get more challenging, the projects will be due soon, the self-work will be uncomfortable, but if we make Jesus our Happy Place, our Peace, we will tell these mountains to move from here to there and they will move and nothing will be impossible for us. (Mark 11), We will be able to walk on the waters of our lives and use them as a runway to soar on wings as eagles. (Isaiah 40). As we put our trust in Him and hand over all things that concern our hearts to Him, we will find rest for souls and victory in our lives. (Matthew 6).
So when you start to feel overwhelmed with anxiety in any of its forms,, stop, drop, and pray. Take a break. Talk to The Lord. Then get back in the game. He has promised to give strength and wisdom while you move step by step. He has ordered your steps and will see you through. He will keep you in perfect peace if you keep your mindset stayed on Him because you trust Him (Isaiah 26). He is your Happy Place in the midst of every storm.
Chaplain Shaun M. Paschal
I Can Begin Again
Restoring my relationship with God and others
Here we are again. The end of a year meets the beginning of a new one. If you’re like me, you may have looked yourself in the mirror and barely recognized the person staring back at you through another year’s worth of questionable choices and excuses. Some may even ask themselves how did I get here, or where do I go from here?
Then you remember that you survived a worldwide pandemic. If you remember that Overton and Sinclaire predates Monica and Chandler, then you survived Y2K. The end of the world in 2012 has been a thing of the past for 11 years. You survived. And with each new year, you start over with resolutions and plans for radical change.
You tell yourself, “I will do better,” “I will get fitter,” “I will make more money,” or “I will spend more time with my family.” And you can as those are real possibilities. The problem is it’s that same person in the mirror making those declarations. So let me offer a suggestion for your plans and promises for this new year.
As Jesus encouraged the people not to worry about what they will eat or wear, He pointed their attention towards Heaven. He said, ”Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need” (Matthew 6:33 NLT). This was a radical idea then, and it still is today. But isn’t that the idea for New Year’s resolutions: radical change?
But how can the author of those questionable choices and excuses make those radical changes? That person cannot. They’ve tried. They’ve failed. It will take a new person with a new perspective, and help from wise Decision Maker who makes no excuses. The Apostle Paul made some radical declarations. He said, ”Don’t be selfish; don’t try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves. Don’t look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too. You must have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had” (Philippians 2:3-5, NLT). Radical. Then he told the Corinthian believers, “We have stopped evaluating others from a human point of view. At one time we thought of Christ merely from a human point of view. How differently we know him now! This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!“ (2 Corinthians 5:16-17, NLT). Radical.
Radical is not impossible. It just requires radical help. You can do it. You CAN begin again. You CAN have sustained success this time. You just require help. So I invite you to make the best decision of your life. I invite you to connect or reconnect with the wise Decision Maker who makes no excuses. I invite you to try God. He says, “Come now, let’s settle this,” says the Lord. “Though your sins are like scarlet, I will make them as white as snow. Though they are red like crimson, I will make them as white as wool.“ (Isaiah 1:18, NLT).
God restores, and He brings love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. God can restore health. God can restore families. God can restore finances. There is nothing impossible for Him. You CAN begin again. I invite you to make the radical change of letting go and letting God lead.
”For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.“ ~ Philippians 4:13 NLT